Environmental Performance Policy
Tricon Drilling Solutions is committed to the protection of the environment wherever we conduct our business activities. Tricon understands that the protection of the environment is integral to business success.
Our commitment to the responsible management of the environment and prevention of pollution is underpinned by the philosophy that our business activities should have the least possible effect on the environment and where possible should leave it better than when we found it.
To implement this policy and maintain our commitment, we will:
- minimise waste through recycling and using recycled products and materials wherever practical
- provide an environmentally sound workplace and progressively implement a range of environmentally sound work practices
- include environmental impacts in our purchasing policies where appropriate
- comply with all relevant Australian Government, State and Territory environmental legislation, regulations, policies and initiatives
- encourage the use of double-sided printing
- support the use of recycled paper and recycling systems
- communicate our environmental commitments to staff and the public.
Our objective is to continuously improve our environmental performance, to instil a sense of environmental ownership in our personnel to conserve energy, water, paper and other natural resources while still providing a comfortable working environment.